Self-directed support

This section is intended for anyone who is currently receiving help from social services, or who may require social support in the future. It explains how self-directed support operates and how you can make sure you get the support and help you need.

In the past, if you were assessed as needing help, local authorities would offer you a programme of services, but under the self-directed support scheme, you will be offered money to choose and fund your own services. This is called a 'personal budget'. This section explains how it will operate.

It is important to note that brain injury can cause people to lack self-awareness and understanding of their own needs. For this reason it is important that help is sought from others when applying for self-directed support. Friends and family can help and so can many of Headway's Groups and Branches. Details of how to contact these and other sources of support are included on the 'Further help with self-directed support' page.

Find out more about self directed support

This section is split into different parts, which explain different aspects of the scheme.