Summary of standards to be assessed
The Approved Provider Scheme is based on a set of standards that encompass the six themes highlighted below.
Headway is managing this project with the experience of the Service User and their family / carer as its main priority. The standards selected for evaluation within each of the above domains thus reflect the need for primary and fundamental care / choice and dignity issues being central to the care provided.
- AP1: Service Philosophy
- AP2: Spiritual, Cultural, Social and Sexual Identity
- AP3: Service Provider’s Ethos
- AP4: Dignity, Privacy and Care
- AP5: ABI Awareness/Education for service users and families/carers
- AP 6: Family support/provision
Systems and Processes
- AP7: Clinical/Medical Needs
- AP8: Goal Setting and Outcome Monitoring
- AP9: Mental Capacity Act (MCA)/Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) or Equivalents
- AP10: Safeguarding
- AP11: Record Keeping
Workforce Development
- AP12: Staff Induction/Evaluation/Feedback
- AP13: Post Induction Training
- AP14: Evidence Based Practice
Service Delivery
- AP15: Communicative Environment
- AP16: Communication Aids
- AP17: Support for Cognitive Needs
- AP18: Shared Decision Making
- AP 19: Personal Choices and Meaningful Activities
- AP 20: Reablement
- AP 21: Emotional Support
- AP 22: Behaviours that Challenge
- AP 23: Nutrition
Governance, Leadership & Management and Quality
- AP24: Quality Assurance, Audit and Evaluation
- AP25: Staff Selection and Recruitment Procedures
- AP26: Appropriate Management and Staffing
- AP27: Policies and Procedures
- AP28: Health & Safety
- AP29: Buildings and External Spaces
- AP30: Equipment