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Headway delivers vital training to DWP

Tue 10 Jul 2018

Headway has been involved in delivering vital training on the hidden, complex and fluctuating nature of brain injury to more than 300 staff at Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Delegates receiving the training, which took place via a dial-in conference call, included Disability Employment Advisors, Work Coaches and Community Partners from across the UK, demonstrating continuing interest and engagement from staff at the DWP.

The training was delivered by Chief Executive Peter McCabe, Ed Arnoll, Training Manager, and Tamsin Ahmad, Publications and Research Manager. It included an overview of the effects of brain injury and the impact it can have, as well as an introduction to Headway and the work it does to support those affected.

The training also focussed on a number of projects and campaigns that DWP staff working in job centres across the UK should be aware of in order to better support brain injury survivors, including Headway’s Brain Injury Identity Card.

Feedback from the training revealed that 99% of people who received the training felt that it had been useful, with three quarters finding it ‘very useful’.

Paul Williams, Jobcentre Operations Director at the DWP, said: “We are extremely grateful to Headway for sharing its expertise and helping staff to better identify and understand the often hidden effects of brain injury.

“Partnerships with charities such as Headway are extremely beneficial to the DWP and demonstrate our commitment to improving our understanding of the conditions that impact on the day-to-day lives of people in need of support.”

Peter McCabe, Chief Executive of Headway, said: “This was an excellent opportunity to speak directly to Jobcentre staff.

“We are delighted with the positive responses we have received from those undertaking the training and our thanks go to Paul and his colleagues for facilitating the session.

“Thanks to the overwhelming response to our Right First Time survey, we were able to present the concerns and issues faced by people living with brain injury.

“We will continue to champion the voices of those we support as part of our ongoing commitment to increasing understanding of brain injury and improving the services available to those affected.”

To find out more about training available from Headway, visit the training section of our website.


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