Headway Ballymena
Organisation details
- Address:
C/O Ballymena Business Centre North
120 Cushendall Road
BT43 6HB
Northern Ireland - Telephone:
- 028 2565 1521
- Email:
- frances-headway-ballymena@hotmail.co.uk
- Services
- Advocacy
- Befriending/Buddying/Mentoring
- Carer Support Groups
- Counselling
- Drop In
- Education/College Links
- Family and Carer Support
- Information
- Outreach/Community Support
- Training for Professionals
- Other Services
- Helpline 02825 651521
- Activities
- Art/Crafts
- Cookery
- Exercise and Fitness
- Gardening/Allotment
- Holidays/Outings
- Service User Groups
- Woodwork
Branch Meeting
Monthly, First Meeting of the month
Ballymena North Business Centre, 120 Cushendall Road, Ballymena, BT43 6HB
Headway Ballymena Committee Meeting
2A Alison's Hill, Kells, BT42 3LT
Headway Ballymena Committee meeting
Monthly, 2nd Monday of the month 7:30pm to 9:30pm
2a Allisons Hill, Kells, Ballymena
Further information
Headway Ballymena is a Branch of Headway UK that is run by volunteers who all have personal experience of living with the effects of acquired brain injury. It covers the ANTRIM and BALLYMENA area.
Brain injury is a condition which changes the lives, not only of those who suffer the injury, but also their families. Families take most of the strain. The burden of care often places the family unit under severe pressure.
Headway promotes wider understanding of all aspects of brain injury and provides information, support and social activities for people with brain injury, their families and carers.
How can Headway Ballymena help you and your family?
Support Meetings:
We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at Ballymena Business Centre North, 120 Cushendall Road, Ballymena, County Antrim BT43 6HB, 7pm - 9pm.
Our support meetings provide brain injury survivors and their families with the opportunity to meet with other people who have had similar experiences, offering emotional and practical support and understanding.
Social Activities:
Our support meetings are highly social in themselves!
Newcomers to our group and visitors always remark that it is like walking into one big, happy extended family. In addition, we organise a number of social activities throughout the year including: barbeques, dances, treasure hunts, table quizzes, meals out and weekend breaks.
We also offer residential breaks annually to our members,
Information and training:
We provide free access for all our members to Headway UK training on a variety of subjects such as Understanding Brain Injury and Coping with Challenging Behaviour.
We also engage speakers throughout the year to give talks on issues such as Benefits Advice and other Carer's issues.
How do I become a member?
Headway Ballymena welcomes all new members: Brain Injury Survivors, Carers, Families and Volunteers.
Just come along to one of our family meetings or contact us.
Would you like to become a volunteer with Headway Ballymena?
Headway Ballymena is a charitable organisation and therefore, has to depend on volunteers to continue helping brain injury survivors and their families.
We need volunteers to help with organising activities and fundraising if you can help in any way please contact us.