Statistics resources

This page provides the full results of our study into acquired brain injury (ABI) hospital admissions.

It provides three of the key data tables, followed by the full spreadsheets to download. The spreadsheets are broken down into geographical areas, including one for the entire UK. Instructions for use and further discussion is available within these sheets.

Key data

The three tables below shows the total admissions for all types of ABI, head injury and stroke in the UK since 2005. It also gives the % change over this period and the rates, which show the number of admissions per 100,000 of the population.

These tables are reproduced from the UK totals sheet which is available for download in the related resources section. This sheet also includes figures from 2000-01 for England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

All ABI: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
Year Male Rate Female Rate Unknown Total Rate
2005-06 184,776 625 132,370 429 37 317,183 525
2006-07 188,755 634 133,293 429 37 322,085 530
2007-08 188,285 627 134,416 430 32 322,733 526
2008-09 191,368 632 138,646 440 31 330,044 534
2009-10 198,483 653 147,257 468 45 345,785 559
2010-11 199,652 651 148,726 470 30 348,408 559
2011-12 200,650 645 151,289 470 15 351,954 556
2012-13 192,009 613 150,649 465 15 342,673 538
2013-14 194,734 618 154,169 473 31 348,934 544
2014-15 194,648 612 155,916 475 32 350,596 543
2015-16 194,993 607 156,804 475 46 351,843 540
2016-17 192,807 595 155,593 468 53 348,453 531
Change since 2005 % 4 -5 18 9 43 10 1


Head injury: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
Year Male Rate Female Rate Unknown Total Rate
2005-06 104,286 353 49,756 165 25 154,067 255
2006-07 107,773 362 51,041 169 22 158,835 261
2007-08 106,535 355 52,010 171 19 158,564 259
2008-09 106,816 353 53,813 176 23 160,652 260
2009-10 111,067 365 59,632 195 20 170,718 276
2010-11 108,756 354 59,767 194 16 168,539 270
2011-12 108,923 350 60,494 195 9 169,426 268
2012-13 99,008 316 58,503 187 11 157,522 247
2013-14 100,831 320 61,701 196 12 162,544 254
2014-15 98,482 310 62,682 199 17 161,181 250
2015-16 96,122 299 62,282 197 25 158,429 243
2016-17 94,453 292 61,438 191 28 155,919 238
Change since '05 % -9 -17 23 16 12 1 -7

Stroke: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
Year Male Rate Female Rate Unknown Total Rate
2005-06 57,598 195 62,488 202 12 120,098 199
2006-07 56,681 190 60,246 194 12 116,939 192
2007-08 56,608 189 59,919 191 10 116,537 190
2008-09 59,192 195 61,793 196 8 120,993 196
2009-10 61,315 202 63,960 203 17 125,292 202
2010-11 63,531 207 64,730 204 12 128,273 206
2011-12 64,369 207 65,422 203 6 129,797 205
2012-13 65,369 209 66,101 204 3 131,473 206
2013-14 65,315 207 65,232 200 4 130,551 204
2014-15 65,312 205 64,638 197 9 129,959 201
2015-16 68,070 212 65,464 198 15 133,549 205
2016-17 67,711 209 64,473 194 15 132,199 201
Change since '05 % 18 7 3 `-4 25 10 1

Data sheets

The spreadsheets in the related links section contain the full data sets from our study. They are divided into regions, including a sheet for the entire UK. Each sheet is separated into multiple tabs and includes usage instructions.

We have also included the full summary report and a detailed guide to the project and the codes we have used.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.