Clinical guidelines
This page contains downloads and links to some important clinical guidelines for the management of patients with acquired brain injury. The guidance documents are explained below, and you can download them in the related resources area.
NICE and SIGN guidance for early management of head injury
Guidance developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) focus on the triage, assessment, investigation and early management of patients with a head injury.
SIGN guidance for brain injury rehabilitation in adults
Detailed guidance covering the longer-term rehabilitation of adults with brain injury following the post-acute stage.
BSRM Standards for Rehabilitation Services
The two documents define a clear set of guidelines and targets, mapped on to the NSF-LTC, for the planning and delivery of rehabilitation services in the United Kingdom. The Rehabilitation following acquired brain injury guidelines address the medium to longer-term needs of people affected by ABI.