Headway's range of e-booklets and factsheets cover many of the symptoms and practical issues associated with a brain injury.
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About the brain
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Concussion in sport
Concussion in the workplace
Hospital treatment and early recovery after brain injury
Hypoxic brain injury
Management of acquired brain injury - a guide for GPs
Management of acquired brain injury - a guide for ward nurses
Mild brain injury - a guide for GPs
Mild head injury and concussion
Mild head injury discharge advice
Rehabilitation after brain injury
Waiting for rehabilitation after brain injury
Balance problems and dizziness after brain injury - causes and treatment
Balance problems and dizziness after brain injury - tips and coping strategies
Coma and reduced awareness states
Coma stimulation: suggested activities
Continence problems after brain injury
Coping with communication problems after brain injury
Coping with hemiplegia and hemiparesis
Coping with memory problems - practical strategies
Depression after brain injury
Difficulties with decision making after brain injury
Dysphagia after brain injury
Epilepsy after brain injury
Executive dysfunction after brain injury
Hormonal imbalances after brain injury
Lack of insight after brain injury
Loss of taste and smell after brain injury
Managing anger after brain injury
Managing fatigue after brain injury
Memory problems after brain injury
Mental health and brain injury
Post-traumatic amnesia
Prosopagnosia - face blindness after brain injury
Psychological effects of brain injury
The effects of brain injury
The effects of brain injury and how to help
Visual problems after brain injury
A guide to the Equality Act 2010
Brain injury: a guide for employers
Financial support when returning to work
Making a complaint about treatment at work
Returning to education after brain injury
Returning to work after brain injury
Self-employment after brain injury
Voluntary work after brain injury
Ageing carers
Brain injury - a guide for parents
Brain injury: a guide for colleagues
Brain injury: a guide for friends
Brain injury: a guide for grandparents
Brain injury: a guide for partners
Brain injury: a guide for siblings
Caring for someone with a brain injury
Parenting after brain injury
Relationships after brain injury
Sex and sexuality after brain injury
Supporting children when a parent has had a brain injury
A guide to disability discrimination law
A guide to insurance policies after brain injury
A guide to personal injury trusts
A guide to the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act
A guide to the Mental Capacity Act
A guide to the Mental Health Act in Scotland
Claiming compensation after brain injury
Mental capacity: supporting decision making after brain injury
A guide to Disabled Facilities Grants
Alcohol after brain injury
Alcohol after brain injury: tips for families, friends and carers
Driving after brain injury
Holidays and travel after brain injury
Making a complaint about health and social care services
Redeveloping skills after brain injury
Scans and tests after brain injury
Self-directed support
About the brain factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch yr ymennydd
Ageing carers factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau i ofalwyr sy’n heneiddio
Caring 1 - The early stages after brain injury - Welsh - Gofal 1 - Y cyfnod cynnar ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Caring 2 - Children's emotional reactions and how to help - Welsh - Gofal 2 - Ymateb emosiynol plant a sut i helpu
Caring 3 - Leaving hospital - Welsh - Gofal 3 - Ymadael â’r ysbyty
Caring 4 - Rehabilitation and continuing care - Welsh - Gofal 4 - Adsefydlu a gofal parhaus
Caring 5 - Becoming a carer - Welsh - Gofal 5 - Dod yn ofalwr
Caring 6 - Carer's assessment checklist - Welsh - Gofal 6 - Rhestr wirio asesiad y gofalwr
Caring 7 - Relationships - Welsh - Gofal 7 - Perthnasoedd
Caring 8 - Caring for yourself - Welsh - Gofal 8 - Gofal amdanoch eich hun
Caring 9 - Young carers - Welsh - Gofal 9 - Gofalwyr ifanc
Coma and reduced awareness states factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch coma a chyflyrau o ymwybyddiaeth is
Coma stimulation activities factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch gweithgareddau ysgogi
Concussion in sport factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch cyfergydion mewn chwaraeon
Continence problems after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Problemau ymataliaeth ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Coping with communication problems factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch ymdopi â phroblemau cyfathrebu
Coping with memory problems - practical strategies factsheet - Welsh - Ymdopi ag anawsterau cofio - taflen ffeithiau ynghylch strategaethau ymarferol
Depression after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Iselder ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Employment: Adaptations to the workplace - a guide for employers - Welsh - Cyflogaeth: Addasiadau i’r gweithle - canllawiau i gyflogwyr
Employment: Financial support when returning to work - Welsh - Cyflogaeth: Cymorth ariannol wrth ddychwelyd i’r gwaith
Employment: Making a complaint about treatment at work - Welsh - Cyflogaeth: Gwneud cwyn am y modd y cewch eich trin yn y gwaith
Employment: Returning to education after brain injury - Welsh - Cyflogaeth: Dychwelyd i fyd addysg ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Employment: Returning to work after brain injury - Welsh - Cyflogaeth: Dychwelyd i’r gwaith ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Epilepsy after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Epilepsi ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Executive dysfunction after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch nam i swyddogaethau gweithredol ar ôl niwed i’r ymennydd
Hormonal imbalances after brain injury - Welsh - Anghydbwysedd hormonaidd ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Hospital treatment and early recovery after brain injury - Welsh - Triniaeth ysbyty ac adferiad cynnar yn dilyn anaf i’r ymennydd
Lack of insight after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch diffyg mewnwelediad yn sgil anaf i’r ymennydd
Loss of taste and smell after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch colli synhwyrau blasu ac arogli yn sgil anaf i’r ymennydd
Management of acquired brain injury - a guide for GPs factsheet - Welsh - Rheoli anaf caffaeledig i’r ymennydd - canllawiau i feddygon teulu
Managing anger factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch rheoli dicter
Managing fatigue factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch rheoli blinder
Memory problems after brain injury - Welsh - Anawsterau cofio yn dilyn anaf i’r ymennydd
Minor brain injury - a guide for GPs - Welsh - Mân anaf i’r ymennydd – canllawiau i Feddygon Teulu
Minor head injury and concussion - Welsh - Mân anaf a chyfergyd
Minor head injury discharge advice - Adults - Welsh - Cyngor rhyddhau cleifion â mân anafiadau i’r pen – Oedolion
Post-traumatic amnesia - Welsh - Amnesia ôl-drawmatig
Psychological effects of brain injury - Welsh - Effeithiau seicolegol anaf i’r ymennydd
Rehabilitation after brain injury - Welsh - Adsefydlu yn dilyn anaf i’r ymennydd
Relationships after brain injury - Welsh - Perthynas ag eraill ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Relationships after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch perthynas ag eraill ar ôl anaf i’r ymennydd
Relationships: Brain injury - a guide for colleagues factsheet - Welsh - Perthnasoedd: Anaf i’r ymennydd - taflen ffeithiau â chanllawiau i gydweithwyr
Relationships: Brain injury - a guide for friends factsheet - Welsh - Perthnasoedd: Anaf i’r ymennydd - taflen ffeithiau â chanllawiau i gydweithwyr
Relationships: Brain injury - a guide for grandparents factsheet - Welsh - Perthnasoedd: Anaf i’r ymennydd - taflen ffeithiau â chanllawiau i neiniau a theidiau
Relationships: Brain injury - a guide for partners factsheet - Welsh - Perthnasoedd: Anaf i’r ymennydd - taflen ffeithiau â chanllawiau i bartneriaid
Relationships: Brain injury - a guide for siblings factsheet - Welsh - Perthnasoedd: Anaf i’r ymennydd - taflen ffeithiau â chanllawiau i frodyr a chwiorydd
Relationships: Sex and sexuality after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Perthnasoedd: Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch rhyw a rhywioldeb yn dilyn anaf i’r ymennydd
Scans and tests after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch sganiau a phrofion yn dilyn anaf i’r ymennydd
The effects of brain injury - Welsh - Effeithiau anaf i’r ymennydd
Waiting for rehabilitation after brain injury factsheet - Welsh - Taflen ffeithiau ynghylch disgwyl am adsefydlu yn dilyn anaf i’r ymennydd