Pete Bourne
The fatigue can be relentless
In July 2015 Pete Bourne, 58, collapsed at his home in Droitwich, Worcestershire and was diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Almost four years on Pete still struggles with the effects of his brain injury, in particular fatigue.
He said: “I am much better than I was, but for the first few years fatigue overwhelmed me. I learnt to take things steady and not do too much. Even now if I do too much the fatigue kicks in.
“I find the fatigue can be relentless and leads to feelings of confusion when I’m overly tired.”
Our Brain Drain - Wake up to fatigue! survey found that three in four brain injury survivors feel that other people do not understand their fatigue.
Pete is no different and says his friends and family find it hard to understand the nature of his fatigue.
“It is very difficult to describe how debilitating it can be”, he says.
In an effort to understand his fatigue during his recovery, and help others understand it too, Pete wrote a poem describing the negative effects it was having on him.
Weakened mind, thoughts hard to make
Of shallowed breath so hard to take
Hollow thoughts make no sense
Hollow limbs bereft of strength
Too weak to speak, too weak to cry
Every breath with softened sigh
Sitting still, no mood no being
Sad and lifeless eyes not seeing
The fires gone out, you sit in ashes
Of yesteryears and running dashes
Energy spent, you crumble and gaze
Through jumbled vision, through dreary haze
Heavy chest, the air seems thin
Almost too much to take it all in
A distant thought of some life you could borrow
To dance and to sing, give it back on the morrow
For many people after brain injury, fatigue may feel like overwhelming tiredness, which makes them unable to complete normal activities of daily living.
Find out moreThrough our Brain Drain campaign, we aim to give a voice to those affected, helping to raise awareness and break the stigma of brain injury-related fatigue.
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