Make space for ABI More Blue Badge parking places please!
Headway has been backing the changes to the Blue Badge scheme which came into effect in August 2019. Under the revised scheme, hidden disabilities such as acquired brain injury (ABI) are included in the conditions which may qualify for a Blue Badge.
But many ABI survivors, family members and carers have told Headway that another problem in their local area is a lack of parking spaces designated specifically for Blue Badge holders.
We’ve put together this information to help you contact the right people in your local area to tell them what you need.
Step 1: Make sure you know who to contact
If you want to ask for more parking in a specific car park, it’s best to take this up with the organisation that runs the car park. This could be your local council, or it may be one of the many private companies that provide parking. Supermarkets are usually responsible for their own car parks but those at retail parks, where there is a selection of businesses, may be run by a separate organisation. For leisure centres, cinemas and so on, contact the reception desk for information if there are no signs in the car park.
You should be able to find out who is responsible for the car park from notices or signs on display.
If you want to ask for more on-street parking, in a town centre for instance, then this is almost always the responsibility of your local council.
Step 2: Think about what you are asking for
It may be better to make a specific request rather than simply saying “there should be more disabled parking spaces.”
Are there any specific bays in the car park which you feel should be re-designated for Blue Badge holders?
Or is there some on-street parking you use regularly, which would be better if one of the bays were designated for a Blue Badge space?
Step 3: Use our template letters or emails to ask for what you need
- Use this template letter (Word format) to write to your council or car park operator about spaces in car parks. You can also use the text for an email if you prefer.
- Use this template letter (Word format) to write to your council or car park operator about on-street parking spaces. You can also use the text for an email if you prefer.