Chris Bryant MP, who chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group on acquired brain injury, secured the debate which will focus on the progress since the launch of the report Time for Change: Acquired Brain Injury and Neurorehabilitation.
The 40-page Time for Change report:
- outlines the critical role of neurorehabilitation in the ABI care pathway, and the need for Rehabilitation Prescriptions for all brain injury survivors following discharge from acute care;
- reviews the implications for children and young people with ABI when most of their neurorehabilitation takes place in the education system;
- discusses the high incidence of ABI amongst offenders and the impact of neurorehabilitation on behavioural change and reoffending; and
- outlines the current issues in sport-related concussion as well as the need for an improved welfare system that is easily accessible
You will be able to watch the debate live on parliamentlivetv.